A trip to a tourist spot goes all in vain, unless there is some really good food and drink. This Vacayholics article highlights one of the most famous traditional drinks from the Dominican Republic, along with its ingredients, recipes, and yes of course the effects it poses.
From Tea to Liqueur
Mamajuana was originally used as a type of tea with only the tree herbs mixed with water. Later, it was adulterated with alcohol, which is a craze to this day.
Mamajuana! Yes it is Mamajuana, and not Marijuana, which many out there often get confused with. The former is a drink which is the subject of discussion of this article, and the latter is a kind of popular cigarette. Now let us get more specific about Mamajuana.
Mamajuana is a Caribbean drink which owes its identity to the island nation of Dominican Republic. It is known widely that native American tribes are the bunch of people who have given the world numerous drinks, medicines, and herbs that were otherwise unknown to the world.
This Caribbean drink is no exception. It was discovered by the Taino people, of the New World. The drink is also popular in Haiti, and varies in its ingredients and preparation in both Dominican Republic and Haiti. This drink from the Dominican Republic is a tourist’s drink for people from all squares. Let us now take a closer look into the ingredients which when brewed results in this extremely strong and refreshing energizer.
Ingredients List of Mamajuana
Well, basically, it is a rich mix of Dominican rum, red wine, honey and a series of herbs that are left in the bottle of Mamajuana for fermentation. There are also spices which add heat and flavor to the drink. Many people also speak about the practice of adding marine animal parts to the drink which differs markedly in the taste from other versions of this drink. However, there isn’t any specific rule book to prepare this drink. The ingredients therefore, are liberally changed to suit the taste buds of the drinker. In fact, there are many who produce this drink in the most traditional way, and prefer to keep the ingredients as top secrets. This is true for some of the natives of the Dominican Republic who owe it to their Taino lineage, or have taken mamajuana production as a bread earning spree. On this nite, let us see some of the ingredients.
✦ Anamú
✦ Bohuco
✦ Brasil
✦ Canelilla
✦ Caro
✦ Bojuco Chino
✦ Bojuco Caro
✦ Albahaca
✦ Anis Estrellado
✦ Marabeli
✦ Clavo
✦ Osua
✦ Palo Indio
✦ Palo de Maguey
✦ Pega Palo
✦ Timacle
Traditional Mamajuana Recipe
Well, there isn’t any specific recipe for this drink because of two reasons, one is that the traditional Taino method is laid in secrets, and the other being the experiments which everyone carries out in order to catch hold of their own bottle of mamajuana. However, in this article we shall at least take a look into the most practiced and basic way of preparing the drink. The first step of mamajuana preparation is to cure the herbs and spices. Please read below the detailed steps:
✦ Chop the ingredients into small pieces, small enough to be stuffed into the bottle.
✦ Fill the bottle with approximately equal quantities of dark rum and red wine. Some people also use gin. But ideally, it is a combination of rum, wine, and herbs.
✦ Seal the bottle tightly, and leave it for a some time. Around a week’s time is good enough.
✦ During this time, the infused herbs will impart the bitterness into the liquid, thus, increasing the bitter taste of the drink. This is the process of Curing, where the extra raw and bitter taste of the herbs are reduced.
✦ You can now pour out the alcohol, into which the herbs were soaked, and discard it.
✦ Refill the bottle with fresh rum, wine, and honey.
✦ The quantity is variable. You van use your discretion to change the proportions.
✦ At this point you can also slip in some spices like cinnamons and cloves. You can also add resins for the extra sweetness if you so desire. Seal the bottle again and let it rest again for a couple of days, before tasting your very own mamajuana.
Mamajuana Effects
This drink has earned laurels as a ‘cure-for-all drink’. The drink is a rich combination of goodness that is used as a panacea for most ailments. There are beliefs that the drink has got the ability to cure diabetes, arthritis, kidney, and liver malfunctions. According to popular belief the drink also helps in improving male potency and women fertility. It also cures the worst kinds of headaches.
There are many ongoing studies which are dealing with the properties of this alcoholic drink, whether there is any truth in the medicinal and curing abilities of the drug or not, is still unanswered, but the drink is a must-have for all, is no exaggeration at all.
So, if it is the Dominican Republic calling you in the near future, make sure that you pay due attention to this wonder drink of Mamajuana. Cheers!